How To Get To The Culling Of Stratholme
Culling of Stratholme Tank Guide – Deep within the Caverns of Time, the heart-searching dragon Nozdormu has awakened. Since the globe was young, the statuary dragonflight has safeguarded the winding labyrinth, monitoring the shifting timeways to ensure that the fragile residue of time is upheld.
This is a quick reference Alternative of Stratholme tank guide containing maps, boss strategies, useful loot and tank gear drop rates.
Levelling 25-50
You can observe The Culling of Stratholme dungeon within Caverns of Time, Tanaris.
The coordinates are (64.3,49.five)
How To Get To The Culling of Stratholme Entrance

Culling of Stratholme Quests
- DISPELLING ILLUSIONS – 5 Plagued Grain Crates Dispelled.
- A ROYAL ESCORT – Defeat Mal'Ganis.
Culling of Stratholme Road

To progress through the dungeon you demand to keep speaking with Arthas. Check your map when waiting for the x waves and commencement 2 bosses to spawn, run around the middle circle to notice them amidst the zombies.

Culling of Stratholme Bosses and Loot
Culling of Stratholme Tank Guide | MEATHOOK
Since Prince Arthas get-go encountered the Scourge abominations, they have become even more menacing. Meathook has grown stronger, more toxic and more agile than the others. Smarter was never the goal of the necromancers who created Meathook, just information technology only takes a base cunning to do what he does best.
- Stuns a histrion with Constricting Chains & deals concrete damage.
- Green circle around boss – Greenish – deals damage & interrupts spell casting of all nearby.
Useful loot | MEATHOOK
Culling of Stratholme Tank Guide | SALRAMM THE FLESHCRAFTER
Salramm the Fleshcrafter was 1 of the starting time necromancers trained in the halls below Scholomance. He saw the test subjects, and occasional fellow students, as little more a collection of interesting parts for his work. Now he has the entire population of Stratholme for his experiments… forth with any interlopers who try to stop him.
- Steal Flesh reduces a players damage by 75% & increases bosses damge by 75%.
- Summons two Ghouls to fight.
- EXPLODE – Ghouls explode inflicting burn down harm to all nearby.
Vengeance Demon Hunter
Culling of Stratholme Tank Guide | CHRONO-LORD EPOCH
The infinite dragonflight often tries subtle methods to manipulate the timeways, but if that fails they can transport an assassin to deal with Arthas directly. While little is known virtually the agents of the space dragonflight, Epoch displays a dangerous mastery of fourth dimension that makes him a deadly obstacle to Arthas's future.
- Fourth dimension Warp reduces attacks & move of all by 70%.
- Wounding Strike inflicts damage & reduces healing effects.
- Expletive of Exertion increases a players toll of spells/abilities past 100% for 10 sec.
Useful boodle | CHRONO-LORD EPOCH
Culling of Stratholme Tank Guide | MAL'GANIS
The destiny of Mal'Ganis has already been written. Arthas's hatred for the dreadlord will cause the prince to travel to Northrend and accept up Frostmourne. Merely this will only happen if Mal'Ganis finds him worthy. To show his worthiness and begin downwards his path to becoming the Lich King, Arthas must survive Mal'Ganis's onslaught.
- Puts a player to sleep for 10 sec, any damage will wake them up.
- Inflicts shadow damage to a actor.
- Vampiric Touch heals him for impairment done with melee attacks.
- Feces Swarm inflicts ticking shadow damage to players in front.
Useful loot | MAL'GANIS
Culling of Stratholme Tank Guide | INFINITE CORRUPTOR (HEROIC But)
Infinite Corruptor is the heroic-merely boss located within the Culling of Stratholme. In order for him to be bachelor, y'all must complete the timed event in under 25 minutes (25 minutes to kill the 10 waves, talk to arthas, kill the dragons, kill 3 bosses, become to the "uncontaminated" stratholme office), rewarding yous with The Culling of Time. Instead of going right to the last boss, become straight and you lot'll encounter this dominate.
- Fiddling at max level
Useful boodle | Infinite CORRUPTOR
Vengeance Demon Hunter
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